Here they are, sitting pretty on piles of cash thanks to the obscene Citizens United decision, kings of their own Alternative Reality Media Empire, and what have they got to show for it? Andy Kaufman's greatest prank has now become the frontrunner, and with Obama doing militarism better than Dick Cheney ever could (due to the fact that, right or wrong, he actually prefers killing off terrorists to shaking them at us like glowsticks), the wingnuts are left with an agenda of destroying union jobs and taking away our birth control. It's going to take a hell of a lot of election fraud to make this a winning strategy, not that they won't try. But the way it looks right now, all I can see is overreach, and it's giving me a warm glow inside. It's all falling to bits, gloriously.
UPDATE: Mahablog puts it brilliantly and succinctly:
The Santorum campaign is what happens when the old zombie ideas — cut taxes; deregulate — are so worn out even the candidates are bored with them.