Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Here come the painbirds

This really sucks. The world is so full of people who are nothing but useless wastes of skin who do nothing but bring harm to others, and we never hear about them getting depressed and killing themselves. No, it's only the sensitive souls with something to offer the world but don't have the strength to face the frustrations and injustices of life that end up doing themselves in.

Here's a tip, people: if you ever get that feeling that you would be better off dead and the world would be better off without you, you're probably one of those people the world needs more of. Why should you die when the Cheneys, Roves, and Limbaughs of the world continue to draw breath? This is why the world is in the shape it's in.


Ian Schultz said...

Hitler killed himself though....

J Neo Marvin said...

The Right should embrace his fine example.