Thursday, October 22, 2009

The most refreshing thing to see after a long, stressful workday

I had to google "Bill Of Attainder" to refresh my memory on this. All I remembered from junior high civics was that the Framers specifically targeted it in the Constitution and it was a fucked up loophole in British law that allowed all kinds of unjust abuse. Well, it turns out that it totally applies to this "Defund ACORN" bill running through the House right now, and my current favorite Representative, Alan Grayson, is on the case.

Man, this guy is such a breath of fresh air. "Will the gentleman yield?" "NO." Watch it, and keep giving this brave, audacious lawmaker your support. We need a few hundred more like him.


Substance McGravitas said...

He just says "No." so plainly. That's the kind of big government non-service I want democrats to bring.

J Neo Marvin said...

Standing athwart stupidity yelling "STOP!"

Substance McGravitas said...

And unfortunately adding to it with the "whore" bit.

J Neo Marvin said...

I must have missed that one. "Whore" bit?

Substance McGravitas said...

Over this way.

J Neo Marvin said...

Well, it's good that he knows what he should and shouldn't apologize for. (He did apologize for that one.)

My original thesis stands, as far as the need for more righteously abrasive Democrats.

J Neo Marvin said...

I got more to say, actually.

We all know how he meant the word. He meant it in the same sense as the no-longer-with-us Media Whores Online, which was such an important website for those of us who saw how badly wrong things were going at the beginning of this decade.

This woman was an Enron lobbyist before she moved on to her present position. She most definitely was a whore. But of course, there is no way to use this word for a woman without both sounding like a misogynist and handing the knee-jerk Republicans a gun to shoot you with.

I have confidence in Grayson's ability to shrug off this nonsense and keep fighting the good fight.